Sure. Here is an extended version of my previous answer:
The 4-letter Dutch word for “stomach” is maag.
Maag can also be used in a figurative sense to mean “appetite” or “hunger”. For example, you might say “Ik heb een grote maag” to mean “I have a big appetite” or “Ik heb honger als een paard” to mean “I’m as hungry as a horse”.
In addition, maag can be used in a number of idiomatic expressions, such as:
- Iets op je maag hebben: To have something on your stomach (metaphorically, to be worried or upset about something)
- Iets in je maag zitten: To have something stuck in your stomach (metaphorically, to be unable to forget something)
- De maag omdraaien: To turn your stomach (to disgust you)
- Een knoop in je maag hebben: To have a knot in your stomach (to be feeling anxious or nervous)
- Je maag vult zich vanzelf: Your stomach will fill itself (don’t worry about having enough to eat)
Maag is a very common word in Dutch, and it is used in a variety of contexts. It is important to know the different meanings and usages of this word in order to communicate effectively in Dutch.