I think the word you’re looking for is “leiding”. In Dutch, “leiding” means “leadership” or “management”. It can also refer to the person who is in charge of a group or organization. In the context of filmmaking, “leiding” might refer to the director, producer, or other members of the crew who are responsible for overseeing the production of a film.
Here are some examples of how the word “leiding” is used in Dutch:
- De leiding van het bedrijf heeft besloten om de werktijden te veranderen. (The management of the company has decided to change the working hours.)
- De leraar gaf leiding aan de groep studenten tijdens hun excursie. (The teacher led the group of students on their field trip.)
- De regisseur gaf leiding aan de acteurs tijdens het filmen van de scène. (The director directed the actors during the filming of the scene.)